
Between white, light wood and green.

Source/Photos by Anna Pirkola

I can't even tell you how much I love this apartment, all the white, light wood, green using plants, the accessories, furniture, those Artek chairs and oh that Smeg fridge I just want to live there!.



....this lamp! I want this lamp so bad!!

Style by Anna Pirkola


Ideas for small bedrooms.

Not everyone have space to have a bigger bedroom and sometimes the person is limited to have walls very close to the bed or the bed is on the corner of the bedroom but that do not mean you should give up and only have a bed and that's it, no! you can have a lovely bedroom even in a tiny space.

1 2 3 4

Have a lovely new week and thank you for passing by!



Gorgeous family and home too.

....also is finally Friday!!! I'm so so happy about it, so I'm going to leave you with this gorgeous family with a gorgeous home. Thank you for passing by, take care!


If you want to see more pictures go here. Photos by Linda Alfvegren


Ideas for small offices

Some people well most of the people spend their days in their home offices, between blogging, studying, homeschooling, working and more, I personally do almost every single one haha!, and some people like me don't have enough space, but that doesn't mean you can't have your office even if is a tiny one. So here are some examples for you.






Love Today,Love Everyday...

Source; liekeland

" Let us always meet each other with a smile
for the smile is the beginning of love"
-Madre Teresa

Happy Valentine Day! Felíz Día del Amor y la Amistad!


A serene apartment

Between all the white and the touches of grey, this place looks very serene to me.

My love for ceramics

Photo by me

I love ceramics so when I saw this one at West Elm I was in love immediately! Atelier Stela made beautiful ceramics that really make you happy, look at that happy faces. If you want to see more of her work visit her Shop.

Is almost Friday, I'm so happy about it, plus on Saturday is Valentine Day! Let love rule your world!



For a small dinning space

This is a great and lovely idea when you don't have much space for your dinning. I always believe that no matter how small is your space you can do it and details people, details can change everything. Like this pic, all those adorable small prints make a huge different is the center of attention. Is a lovely, beautiful space.

Green touch

I love green but in touches here and there, on accessories, maybe a wall, plants or like this with this chair. I think this type of green is a happy green, don't you think ; )

Finally we are in the middle of the week, can't wait for the weekend!



Is all in the details

This room is full of beautiful details, the colorful pillows, candles on the handmade coffee table, plants, the banner on the wall, all of these details make this room a special one and is something all of you can do in your own home to give that extra special touch to it.

Can't believe how fast the weekend went but in the bright side Valentine Day is approaching so that is a plus : )

I wish you all a great week full of love and laughter. 


Finally Friday....

This can apply in everything in your life because we are surrounded by people all the time and I think life is to enjoy and be surrounded by people that make you happy and smile. Social media can be tricky you can find good hearted people but you can find mean spirit people. Once I had this "ig friend" at Instagram who direct message me every time she felt bad or need it help, which I didn't mind, then one day out of no where she stop talking to me and blocked me, believe me I was mad not because I needed her "friendship" but because at this time on my life were I'm a wife, mother and have 35 years old I still found people that can be so hypocrite, make you loose your time and are full of bullshit. But that is social media and it can take a toll on you so that's why I recommend to keep your circle small you will know with time which person is the real deal and which one is only bullshit. Same goes with family not because is family you have to be attached to them, because lets be honest do you have to say hello on the phone, by letter or text to a family member that never talk to you, and sometimes relationships in the family don't work, and is just as simple as that. 

I believe in live a normal happy life without the need to be looking for acceptance on anyone. If you like me good if don't well that's your choice, I'm not going to lie if someone thinks bad about me or don't like me sure I can get upset because is like well what did I do but we are humans and nobody is perfect. That's why everyday I talk to the people I want to talk, I'm with the people I want to be and I call, text, the people I want. 

Is your choice.


Happy Colors

I love black and white, but I always love to have a touch of color and also to see homes full of happy colors, because not everything have to be black & white. 

This living room just make me happy, love it!

Hope all of you are having a lovely Wednesday!


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