
Calendarios para el 2013

El tiempo pasa volando y cuando nos demos cuenta vamos a estar
en el año 2013 y sin calendario, bueno tengo que admitir que ya yo
tengo el mío bien puestecito en la pared esperando por el 1 de enero
jeje! asi que aquí les dejo con lindísimos calendarios. Lindo día!

Time goes fast and when you realized is 2013 and you don't have
a calendar, I have to admit that I have mine on the wall waiting
for January 1, I just can't resist Donna Wilson Calendar hehe!, 
so here I let you with some beautiful choices.
Have a beautiful day!

Cómo las manecillas del reloj / Clockwisedonnawilsonrkdesignsnug,zoma


  1. The black one is just great, if you know where to buy I love to hear from you. Thanks! Have a nice evening, thanks for stopping my blog. So nice to reeds your comment every time.
    Sweet greet, Martine

  2. Love them all, but my favorite is the zoma one


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