
The Room!/Hege in France

Fotos Hege

Comenzamos la mañana con The Room!/ Hege in France, cómo ya muchas saben Hege es la autora del
lindísimo blog Hege in France , dónde enseña hermosas imágenes, al igual que DIY y lo que ella encuentra en los fabulosos flea markets de Francia, que luego vende en su  tienda. Este es su espacio favorito cómo ella misma dice "Here's my favourite space in my home. 
My kitchen / livingroom. We spend most of the time here. " Su casa es hermosa, se ve un aire de tranquilidad, detalles con elementos muy lindos y cada esquina muy bien aprovechada.

Muchísimas gracias a Hege por abrirnos las puertas de su hogar, espero les guste tanto cómo a mí, disfruten!

This morning I want to show you in The Room!/Hege in France , the beautiful home of Hege the author of the amazing and beautiful blog Hege in France, were she always show us beautiful images, magnificent DIY  and the fantastic findings in the flea markets of lovely France. She also have this beautiful shop, with her lovely finds.

This photos are from her favorite space in her home like she said "Here's my favourite space in my home. 
My kitchen / livingroom. We spend most of the time here." and I can't blame her, is a beautiful space, with lovely details and a sense of peace with each corner well used.

Many, many thanks to Hege for let me show her beautiful home, I hope you like it and enjoy!


  1. What a beautiful and open atmosphere.... it`s great to see all these nice and cosy spaces at Hege`s home... have a wonderful weekend ;-)

  2. Thank you so much sweet Mariela!
    Have a lovely weekend!! big hug hx

  3. I like it a lot! Very nice!
    Happy weekend! <3

  4. Tan simple y tan bello! me quedo con la idea de los marcos vacios colgados juntos y la inesperada pared empapelada.
    beso y buen fin de semana!

  5. me encanta! dvinas las fotos!!!!! un beso


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